Friday, November 11, 2011

Grandad's crepe suzette

One of my favourite pancake/pudding recipes is crepe suzette;

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons butter, melted
- 1 orange
- 75g butter
- 4 or 5 heaped dessert spoons of sugar
- A small amount of brandy (good, but not expensive will do)

1. Make some light pancake batter
2. Peel some zest from the outer surface of the orange with a zester, put it in a frying pan (a small heavy crepe pan is best)
3. Add the butter (How much depends on how many you want to make)
4. Add about 4 or 5 heaped dessert spoonfuls of white sugar
5. Heat gently, stirring the butter and sugar together with the zest. Watch for the gradual caramelisation of the sugar, it will at first start to turn pink then light brown, don’t take it past very light brown
6. Now, whilst stirring constantly, slowly squeeze in the juice of half the orange followed by a slow steady drizzle of brandy
The skill here is slowly change from a hot fat mixture to a hot water (orange+brandy) mixture without bringing the sugar out of solution and forming toffee. It is necessary to slowly increase the heat as you drizzle in the liquids to keep the sugar in a hot dissolved state,
you need just enough brandy/orange juice mix so that when the mixture cools it does not separate out.

If you only want only a small number of crepes then you can fry small pancakes in the mixture itself and serve onto a warm plate or if you want to eke out the mixture for a lot of crepes the fry them separately serve and spoon on the mix.

I do a ‘Caribbean banana dish which is very similar but use brown sugar and rum and a lot more range juice the cook batons of peeled banana into the mix and slowly cook until soft, this dish is very popular at bbq’s

Love grannie and grandad

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